Sports Therapy or also known as sports massage usually refers to intervention to prevent an injury setting in after a strenuous workout. It is also used as rehabilitation for athletes to get back to fitness and operate at an optimum level ranging from training to competition or work. A sports therapist would help an athlete to recover and have the task to determine when they can return to active training or competition without re-aggravating any injuries. Generally, there is a huge risk of repetitive stress injury for sports that require throwing and twisting.
Lately, with technological advancement, a handheld massage gun comes in handy to restore fitness similar to a visit to a therapist. This invention allows an athlete to use it on regular basis for pre-workout warmup and post-workout recovery or cool down. It does give a level of convenience when it can be done at home or at a sporting arena. It works similar to finger pressure where tight spots and muscle soreness can be relieved.
Should a massage gun be used appropriately, it may help with sleep, relaxation and stress. The user will just have to be careful when an individual is having injuries. The entire set will come with various head attachments for working out muscle knots, neck and back as well as other major group muscles.
A word of caution, not everyone is accustomed to massage guns as the sheer power may deliver more than needed force on the muscles that are tender. This is especially so when the user has a relatively low pain tolerance. On the other hand, it will definitely hit deeper layers of soft tissue.
Both sports therapist finger pressure and massage do provide certain relief to muscles, release fascia, getting rid of lactic acid, provide deep tissue massage and facilitate muscle recovery and rehabilitation. Athletes are not at a loss after all, help is always around.
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