Runners League Leg 2

Post race review of Runners League Leg 2


While most of us would have heard of the few hiccups that plagued Runners League on their first leg, the second leg of the run was, thankfully, relatively drama free.

Race pack collection was initially a problem for some, as with the change of suppliers for the t shirt, some received shirts smaller than the first edition. Others reported a lack of information distribution from organisers with regards to official time for Race pack collection, as well as a last-minute change of the race route in Gardens by The Bay route that many were not aware of.

On race day, there were still small hiccups, with some not being sure where the shuttle bus to the race site was, or what time it started.

However, it is evident that since feedback given by their participants in the last edition, the organisers have made a few tweaks to the formula that they went with the first time. With a smoother bag deposit system, many were able to quickly get their bags offloaded to prepare for the event. More road marshals were placed on the race route, to help direct those who were not aware of the route changes, and more hydration points were available to those who needed it, with more choices for hydration.

Many did mention that they enjoyed the race route, thanks to a course that provided shade for runners, as well as a relatively familiar route for those who are avid runners. The event was finished with many having no problems with their finisher’s entitlements, and having a cup of Ribena on the house.

If you want to do Leg 3 of the race, sign up with us now at the RUN Shop! Individual 5km and 10km categories are available now!


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