The global pandemic has changed life as we have known it before. Many countries are implementing measures that keep their citizens indoors and isolated from each other to prevent the spread of covid-19. Here in Singapore, we are now currently on our extended circuit breaker. Some of us may have adjusted seamlessly to the new changes while others may still be struggling to adapt.
In light of this, David Shum (community lead coach, sports therapist) and Melvin Wong (former team SG Athlete SEAG 2015) have decided to pioneer an initiative held in conjunction with RUN Singapore that will help keep the running community engaged and to forge solidarity during this period. Arranged like a talk show, David and Melvin will share about the given topic before addressing any questions or concerns that you may have.
Inside the DM Talk will be a four part series with the topics interlinking with one another. Each session will start off with a main topic discussion, a Q&A from our sign-up form or any Facebook or Instagram direct messages and finally, a Q&A from our live audience.
This is the schedule for Inside the DM Talk:
14th May
“Maintaining fitness during this strange time”
Unique situations call for creative solutions. Let’s discuss about how we can maintain our fitness level around the current limitations.
Post Session Article: Tips to Upkeep Fitness
21st May
“Charting your training”
How we can plan out a suitable program for ourselves using the space and equipment we can access currently.
Charting Your Training Article
Post Session Article: Tips to Chart Your Training
Session 1 and 2 Q&A
28th May
“Tracking progress & injury prevention”
What is a good way to monitor our progress given that we are training somewhat differently? What are the measures we can put in place to prevent injury?
Tracking Progress & Injury Prevention
Post Session Article: Tips to Track Progress & Prevent Injury
4th Jun
“Getting motivated”
How can we stay motivated through an extended period of time?
Getting Motivated
Post Session Article: Tips to Get Motivated

Both speakers have been running for more than a decade and are well qualified to give advice or share their experiences about running and taking part in marathons. Beyond running, they have full time or adjunct jobs and both speakers are married with children. They are well accustomed to having to juggle work, family and running and their own stories may be something that you can relate to.
Join them to hear their thoughts and the wisdom they can give on up keeping your fitness in these times.
Sign up for the fourth session Getting Motivated here today (find out more here). Registrations will close on on the day of the session, 6pm and you will receive the link for the Zoom meeting by then. Please contact enquiry@runmagazine.asia if you do not receive the sign-up link.
About the speakers:

David is a certified running coach and sports therapist with over 15 years of experience working with running enthusiasts. He is passionate in understanding the uniqueness in every runner and helping all to achieve a healthy and sporting lifestyle. His determination to turn his running experience into information for sharing has led to his most recent work with physically and intellectually challenged athletes in the quest to perform their very best.

Melvin started sports participation when he was 21 years old and went on to represent Singapore as a triathlete and long distance runner in the 5,000m and 10,000m events. He was the fastest Singapore in both events in 2015, qualifying for the 2015 SEA Games. Juggling his day job and his young family, Melvin continues to compete as a sub-elite distance runner in local and international marathons. He looks forward to extend his longevity in the sport and inspiring others.
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