After Maintaining Fitness During This Strange Time, Charting Your Training and Tracking Progress & Injury Prevention, we have the last session of Inside the DM Talk, “Getting Motivated” next Thursday, 4th June at a new time slot, 8pm.
Motivation is a key factor for getting up to start something or to keep doing something. How does one find the motivation to get up and run or to keep running, especially during this period? With a global pandemic, it can be quite pressing on one’s mental health, especially without any races in sight. There is an air of uncertainty that permeates all around and it is increasingly hard to find motivation in this ambiance.
4th Jun
“Getting motivated”
How can we stay motivated through an extended period of time?

It is not uncommon to lose motivation during this period and to find it hard to grind out the training that you were used to previously. Do not be too harsh on yourself. Join David and Melvin to hear their thoughts on this topic and how they keep motivated during this period.
Participate during our session and stand a chance to win an Under Armour Cap! Sign up your attendance here. Registrations will remain open until 6pm, 03/06/2020. Please contact enquiry@runmagazine.asia if you do not receive the sign-up link by then.
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