The BSA Charity Run (BCR) is an annual fundraising event that rallies the community together to support financially challenged NUS Business School undergraduates and other external beneficiaries. Through their 1st BCR virtual run in January 2021, they aim to help more needy students and low-income families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, through the NUSBSA Bursary Fund and TOUCH Emergency Relief Fund.
Over the past 10 years, the BCR has attracted 11,500 participants & raised over $1.77m, giving out more than 180 bursary awards. You too can be part of this number today by registering before the 15th of December.
2020 has been a tough year for everyone but you can start it right with a good run with BCR2021.
How It Works
You can choose between:
a) 11km - Individual Run
b) 111km - Team Run. Minimum of 3 people and maximum of 5.
You can accumulate your mileage over the two week period between 1 Jan 2021, 0000 hours to 14 Jan 2021, 2359 hours. When your run is completed, upload your run details after each session tracked via your preferred tracking app.
Do remember to practise social distancing and maintain a safe distance between yourself and other active members in your group.
Event Details

Clock - In Date: 1st January to 14th January 2021
Virtual Closing Ceremony: 16th January 2021 (on Zoom)
Student Price: $30, Public price $50 (Price includes free shipping of post-race packs)
Entitlements: All participants will receive a ‘post-race’ pack, including official runner shirts, caps and more.
Race Routes: Anywhere you like!
But for those seeking new and interesting routes, BCR2021 have ingeniously specially curated five recommended routes in the North, South, East, West and Central regions of Singapore for you to choose from.
Check the routes out here.
The event is also open to donations so do run and join in for a good cause!
More information and sign up here.
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