It's back bigger and better, with more thrilling race action ahead!
Get into the thick of multisport race action with the return of this iconic event
Feel the beat, and run to the rhythm of the music!
We all can be change makers no matter who we are or what we do. All we need is a heart for love and compassion, a conviction for positive action and a voice for good.
Embark on a fun triathlon journey, with MetaSprint’s friendly three-race series, for budding and experienced athletes!
Add life with music in your next running event with MUSportIC
Jurassic World! RUN is bringing you an adventure through its augmented reality virtual run (ARVR) technology!
The 15th edition of the Great Eastern Women’s Run has returned as Singapore’s all-women’s virtual run.
Embark on a green journey at the Green Dot Challenge. Choose one of the four designated 10km routes, pick your running buddy and choose your start time.
The Force is strong still strong with Singapore’s leading trail race, Volvic Force 50.