Covid-19 changed our lives completely.
The life we used to know, where we had so much freedom walking around, running together, socializing and working in an office environment seemed so unreal now. This living in a virtual world seems to be the reality and what life would be like moving forward. I am on Webex or Zoom about three to four times a day!
Living a more restricted life made me realized how this freedom was so often taken for granted.
Working from home may have sounded like a dream for many of us when we were toiling before the circuit breaker. Now that we are working from home, I realized it doesn’t make life any easier. It requires more discipline to be productive. And I really miss the social interactions.
As a matter of fact, training has also become more challenging without any competition goal since all the races have been cancelled for the year. I am also in the midst of considering whether to proceed with the Boston Marathon. They are still deciding but I have until 29 May to make a decision too.

My dilemma lies in the possibility of the organisers deferring all qualifiers who did not decide by 29 May to the next Boston Marathon. We worked very hard to qualify for the race. Everyone wishes to just have a roll over. With no race to work towards, I also find myself having less motivation to train at the same level.
On a positive note, it’s a chance to reset the body. Like the financial markets, the body is correcting itself. Just before the circuit breaker, I was nursing a prolonged injury at my hip flexor. With the circuit breaker, I am running lesser and slower.
I am also doing strength and conditioning workouts and yoga with runners from X-Runners, other groups and following YouTube videos. I am actually feeling quite thankful to have this chance to let my body recover.
My typical schedule now looks somewhat like this (with changes on some days):

- Wake up
- Run/Workout
- Wash up and Breakfast
- Work/Meetings
- Lunch/Rest
- Work/Meetings
- Yoga/Stretch
- Dinner
- Rest and Relax
After getting used to this routine, I am actually feeling slightly reluctant to return to how life was. I feel more in control because I save so much time on traveling and going to a certain location for my runs or workouts. However, I certainly miss the chase with my running friends to keep one another going.
Till the circuit breaker ends, I guess, this is just how life would be, as we know it.
How’s life for you during the circuit breaker?