The 48-year-old running coach tells why he remains motivated about his weekend ‘job’.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself.
David: I am an adjunct lecturer in the Building Construction Authority Academy, but am also a certified running coach and sports therapist.
I started running many years ago recreationally, and ‘virus’ soon got into me and I was soon addicted to it. I Joined the SAFRA Running Club in 1993, and participated up to the marathon distance while juggling a heavy workload.
I trained based only on experience and trial-and-error, and a knee injury eventually floored me in 1998.
Determined to get well, I took to learning how to coach running in the hope of also teaching myself not to fail again.
Q: What do you feel that running and sport has brought to your life?
David: I am able to discuss the bolts and nuts of running and sport with like-minded friends, which also expanded my social network tremendously. It has also exposed me to the excitement of overseas races.
Q: You’ve written a book, and also run for many charitable causes. What motivates you to keep doing these projects?
David: My world fell when my daughter Joanne was born with Charge Syndrome in 2008. Multiple operations prevented her from spending more time at home, and I stayed for many days in the hospital ward to look after my family.
It was an emotionally overwhelming period of my life, but I decided that I needed to come back up stronger. I wrote my book on running techniques mostly in the hospital wards of KK Womens’ and Children’s Hospital, and also made it a commitment to help others in need.
Q: What has been your most memorable sport or race-related experience to date?
David: The Tokyo Marathon of 2014! The weather was off the charts and conditions were freezing with snow still seen on the pavement. We assembled at our various starting pens, and waiting for the start was the longest, coldest 15 minutes of my life. The race itself was a phenomenal experience. Supporters were everywhere from start to finish, strangers were doing high-5s everywhere and cheering everybody. It felt like there were no boundaries and the passion for running was all that mattered.
Q: What is your advice for beginner runners that want to run further but have limited leisure time because of work and family commitments?
David: Work and family should always come first. They are the nucleus of everything else in life. Optimise the limited leisure time with a structured training program and do it right the first time to avoid injuries and maximise performance. Also, attend training workshops to learn more and socialise with other runners!
Looking for a more social running experience? Check out the SAFRA Running Club online at
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